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A case of epistaxis

A  65/yr Male  came  the casuality with the 

Chief complaints of bilateral nasal bleeding since 1 week


Patient was apparently asymptomatic 1 week and  then he developed  B/L  nasal bleeding, sudden onset, profuse,  Subsided after going to RMP and taking medication. Later startedt bleeding again after 1 day and at present he had bleeding from 1 Am  on 8/6/23 sudden in onset, profuse and not subsiding. 

Patient went to outside hospital and merocele packing was done. Yet the bleeding was not subsided so they referred . 

Patient was N/k/c/o HTN, DM, asthma, CAD. 

No H/o of nasal pricking

No H/o of antiplatelet medication. 

No H/o bleeding and clotting disorders. 

Past History:

H/o of similar complaints in the pastpast in summer season (4yrs back) 

No past surgical History


Marital status : married 

Diet : mixed 

Appetite : normal

Bowel and bladder: regular

Sleep : adequate

Addictions : 

Alcohol :consumes 90 ml whiskey daily since : 10 yrs

Beedi smoking occasionally. 


Patient was concious coherent cooperative well built and nourished. 


Temp: 97.2 F

B. P:150/80mm Hg




GRBS:98 mg/dL

Pallor : present

Icterus : absent

Cyanosis : absent 

Clubbing  : present

Lymphadenopathy : absent 

Edema : absent


Per abdomen- 


Shape of abdomen -Flat

Umbilicus - inverted

No scars, sinuses, straie

No visible pulsations & visible peristalsis

Movements of all 4 quadrants moving equally with respiration


All inspectory findings are confirmed

No local rise of temperature

Tenderness present in the epigastric region

No palpable mass present

No palpable lymphadenopathy

No organomegaly

Hernial orificies - Free


No signs of fluid thrill & shifting dullness

Resonant note . With liver dullness


Bowel sounds present



Oriented to time place and person 

Immediate memory:Intact

Short term memory:Intact

Longterm memory:Intact

No delusions and hallucinations.

Motor system


Rt UL - 5/5 Lt UL-5/5

Rt LL - 5/5  Lt LL-5/5


Rt UL - normal

Lt LL- normal

Rt LL- normal

Lt LL - normal

                    Rt                    Lt

Biceps:      ++                    ++

Triceps:       ++                  ++

Supinator:  ++                   ++

Knee:         ++                    ++

Ankle:            + +                 ++


S1S2 heard,no murmurs.

Respiratory system examination

Bilateral air entry present.

Normal vesicular breath sounds present.

Lab investigations. 

Anterior Epistaxis secondary to Denovo uncontrolled  Hypertension 1 episode of vasovagal Syncope with COPD. 

After 1 unit of PRBC transfusion on 8/6/23

Inj. Taxim 1 hm IV BD
Inj. Pan 40 mg  IV OF
Inj. Tranexa 500 mg IV  SOS
Tab. Orofer XT Po OF
Tab. Amlong 5mg po OD
Tab. Telma 40 mg PO OD


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