CASE E-LOG CASE SHEET A 70 year old female came with c/o SOB since 7 days Chief complaints: shortness of breath with cough History of presenting illness: Patient was apparently asymptomatic 2 years back. The patient then had an episode of SOB . Now, the patient again has an episode of SOB associated with cough with expectoration , scanty sputum present .No h/o pedal edema , decreased urine output, hematuria, frothy urine. History of past illness: 2 years back patient had similar complaint of shortness of breath and treated in a local hospital. Family history : No relevant family history. Personal history Diet ...
Hi , I'am Pranathi , a medical student. This is an E-Log , that depicts the patient centered approach for learning medicine. This has been done after taking consent from patient and their relatives. Here , we discuss our individual patient's problems through online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs.